Have you ever wondered, 'what's the difference between yeast, malt and hops, and what does each one do?' If so, great question! Yeast, malt, and hops are the holy trinity of beer ingredients, each playing a vital role in creating the flavours, aromas, and body we know and love in beer. Here's a breakdown of what each one does:

1. Yeast: The Magic Worker
What it is: A single-celled microorganism.
Role: Fermentation — yeast eats the sugars from the malt and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide (which gives beer its fizz).
Impact on Flavor: Depending on the strain, yeast can produce a wide variety of flavours, from fruity and spicy (think Belgian ales) to clean and neutral (like lagers). Some funky beers like saisons and lambics have wild yeast strains.
2. Malt: The Backbone
What it is: Malted barley (or other grains like wheat, rye, or oats) that’s been soaked, germinated, and dried.
Role: Provides fermentable sugars for the yeast and gives beer its colour, body, and sweetness.
Impact on Flavor: Malt contributes flavours like caramel, toffee, bread, chocolate, or roasted notes, depending on how it’s processed. Dark malts bring deep, coffee-like flavours for stouts, while pale malts keep it light for lagers.
3. Hops: The Flavour Bomb
What it is: The flower of the hop plant (Humulus lupulus).
Role: Adds bitterness to balance the sweetness of the malt and acts as a natural preservative.
Impact on Flavor: Hops are responsible for those citrusy, piney, floral, or tropical notes in beer. West Coast IPAs punch you with bitterness from hops, while NEIPAs go for juicy, fruity hop flavours.
To conclude, in terms a child or music lover could understand:
Imagine a beer as a band:
Malt is the bass player, setting the foundation with sweet, malty tones.
Hops are the lead guitar, bringing bold, vibrant solos that catch your attention.
Yeast is the drummer, keeping everything in rhythm and creating the chemistry that makes it all work. I play drums.
Without yeast, it’s just sugary tea. Without malt, you’ve got bitter hop soup. And without hops, beer would be as flat and sweet as a love song without heartbreak.
Hopper out!